Back to category Published: 12 june 2024 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Anatomy and Pathology Museum


The Anatomy and Pathology Museum, established in 1975, is a prominent feature of the Semey State Medical Academy. This museum houses around 20 human fetuses with congenital pathologies.

Unveiling the Impact of Nuclear Tests

Over its 45-year history, the museum has amassed a collection of fetuses with various deformities. These infants either died at birth or lived only a few hours. The preserved specimens serve as a critical study resource for medical students. The jars containing these specimens are filled with a non-evaporating formalin solution mixed with ethyl alcohol and glycerin. Each exhibit is accompanied by an explanatory card detailing the birth defects.

Research suggests that many of the severe fetal anomalies on display are the result of nuclear tests conducted at the Semipalatinsk test site. It is widely believed that radiation contamination from these tests led to the congenital diseases observed in the museum's specimens.

Upon entering, visitors first encounter a fetus with anencephaly, characterized by the absence of the cerebral hemispheres. The next exhibit showcases conjoined twins with fused chests and shared organs. Further along, there is a cyclopean infant with a single eye in the center of its face and underdeveloped oral and nasal cavities. Other exhibits include embryos with amniotic band syndrome and hydrocephalus. Additionally, the museum features normal organs used in practical classes for students.

Advanced Learning with Modern Technology

At the center of the hall is a 3D table, an advanced educational tool that allows for the exploration of virtual models of human organs. This technology has significantly enhanced the study of medical issues and anatomical structures.

While the exhibits can be shocking and disturbing, this is the only museum in Kazakhstan with such a comprehensive collection. Visitors are encouraged to manage their emotional responses and recognize that the museum's primary purpose is educational, serving the needs of scientists and medical students.

How to get there?

Address: Kazakhstan, Semey, 103 Abay St.

You can reach the Anatomy and Pathology Museum by taking buses #3, 9, 20, 28, 33, 36, 41, or 56 to the "Medical Academy" bus stop. The museum is situated in the courtyard of the Medical Academy, located behind the sports ground.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

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