Back to category Published: 12 may 2024 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Cave of Khan Kenesary


Enthusiasts of hiking and cycling will like an excursion to Khan Kenesary's cave. Kenesary Kasymuly (1802-1847) was the last ruler of the Kazakh Khanate. He is also remembered as a defender of his people's independence against Tsarist Russia and the Kokand Khanate, a historical state spanning modern-day Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The cave is situated on the southwestern shoreline of Lake Borovoe in Burabay National Park. It boasts a yurt-like shape with a diameter of 6 meters (20 ft) and varying heights ranging from 1 to 3 meters (3-10 ft). It is believed that Kenesary was born nearby and developed a deep connection to the land from an early age, particularly through his love for hunting.

According to local folklore, Kenesary frequently ventured into the forests of Burabay for hunting expeditions. If his hunts extended late into the evening, he sought shelter in the cave rather than returning to the khan's headquarters. No one knows for sure, whether it is true. However, the cave remains a popular destination for visitors.

The cave is located away from main roads and one can reach it on foot or by bicycle. Most tourists start their journey from the Glade of Abylai Khan. By the way, Kenesary Kasymuly was the grandson of Abylai Khan. The 5-kilometer route initially winds through the forest before hugging the shores of Lake Borovoe.

Marked by white stripes on trees along the entire path, navigation is straightforward, with benches provided for resting along the way. A memorial plaque en route commemorates the life of Khan Kenesary, underscoring his role as a champion of his people's independence.

Having approached the cave, you will see a staircase. It facilitates ascent to the cave. The top of the staircase also offers panoramic vistas of the forest and Lake Borovoe.

How to get there?

To reach the Cave of Khan Kenesary, you can travel by bicycle or on foot. If you're arriving by car, it's advisable to park it at the parking area near the Glade of Abylai Khan. From there, it's a 5-kilometer (3 mi) hike, with clear signage guiding you every step of the way.

Other tourist attractions near the cave:

  • Lake Borovoe
  • Mount Tlenchinykh
  • Bastion Rock
  • Lake Sulukol
  • Swan Lake

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