Back to category Published: 08 september 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Almaty Nature Reserve


The Almaty Nature Reserve was established in 1931 and is situated in the heart of the Ile Alatau mountain range. This sanctuary encompasses a diverse landscape that includes steppe zones, deciduous forests featuring wild apple trees, apricots, and mountain ash. As you ascend in altitude, the scenery transforms, with Tien Shan spruce taking root between 1500 to 3000 meters (5000-10000 ft). Higher still, alpine meadows and junipers grace the terrain, while elevations exceeding 3500 meters (11500 ft) reveal glaciers and barren rock formations.

Remarkably, the Almaty Reserve is home to a range of rare and endangered animals, such as snow leopard, beech marten, and argali. In the realm of flora, the reserve boasts unique species like the Caucasian hackberry, Sievers apple tree, Nedzvetsky apple tree, Alatau speedwell, and the snow lotus. Additionally, the reserve harbors endemic treasures like Pastinacopsis glacialis and Jurinea almaatensis. The rocky cliffs within the reserve serve as nesting grounds for various bird species, including the ibisbill, Himalayan vulture, golden eagle, and Barbary falcon.

The reserve is crisscrossed by the Talgar, Chilik, Esik, and Turgen rivers. Spring and summer are particularly enchanting times when meadows burst into life, adorned with a tapestry of flowers. This reserve is a testament to the diverse and captivating ecosystems that thrive within the Ile Alatau mountain range.

How to get there?

The Almaty Reserve is situated just 25 kilometers (15.5 mi) southeast of Almaty. To access it, it’s advisable to use your personal vehicle or hire a taxi, as public transportation does not serve this location. To reach the reserve from Almaty, head eastward along the Talgar tract. Once you arrive in the town of Talgar, continue your journey south towards the Left Talgar Gorge. You'll need to park your car there as motorized transport is prohibited within the protected area.

Within the Almaty Reserve, there are several eco-trails that provide tourists with opportunities to immerse themselves in the breathtaking natural surroundings.

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