Back to category Published: 30 january 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Charyn Canyon


Charyn Canyon, located in eastern Kazakhstan, is a natural landmark that is sure to take your breath away. The canyon stretches for 154 km (96 mi) and reaches depths of up to 300 meters (984 ft), making it one of the longest and deepest canyons in the world. The Charyn River, which runs through the canyon, has carved out a unique landscape of towering cliffs and colorful rock formations.

The Valley of Castles

The canyon’s most picturesque part is the so-called Valley of Castles. When people talk about the Charyn Canyon, they often mean this beautiful gorge. It features rocks that resemble the ruins of ancient castles, hence the name. The «castles» are cliffs formed from a combination of erosion and the uplifting of the land. The valley is about 2 km (1.2 mi) long so you can explore it in a couple of hours.

Few people know that in addition to the Valley of Castles, the Charyn Canyon has several branches: Temirlik, Uzunbulak, and Bestamak Canyons. They are less popular, but definitely worth your attention too.

Wildlife in an inhospitable environment

Charyn Canyon is home to a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and other plants that have adapted to the harsh desert-like conditions of the area. There grows Sogdian ash tree, one of the most amazing trees on Earth. They grow up to 10 meters (33 ft) high, and their trunks can reach several meters in girth. Some of these trees can live up to 700 years or more.

Another fascinating tree is Turanga or Asian poplar. These rare relic trees are able to survive in the harsh conditions of the canyon by developing deep roots (up to 50 meters!) that can reach underground water sources.

In addition to the trees and shrubs, Charyn Canyon is a habitat for many different types of animals. The most famous is the bearded vulture, also known as the lammergeier, which is a large bird of prey that is native to the canyon. Other birds that can be found there include the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, and the saker falcon.

Charyn Canyon is also a haven for a number of different types of mammals, including the goitered gazelle, the mountain goat, the manul, the marten, the weasel and others. Reptiles include the Central Asian cobra, the desert monitor, and the long-tailed lizard.

Charyn Canyon

Geological wonders

If you are interested in geology and paleontology, the Charyn Canyon is a must-visit place for you. The rock formations eroded by the river can tell the history of the canyon. Here you can see several varieties of granites, volcanic rocks of the Permian and Carboniferous periods, as well as clastic rocks of the Neogene period. If you’re being observant, you will probably find fossilized remains of ancient animals – rhinos, elephants, and mastodons.


For tourists, the canyon offers a variety of activities to enjoy. One popular option is to take a guided tour of the canyon, which will take you to some of the most spectacular viewpoints and give you the opportunity to learn more about the canyon's history and geology. Another option is to go hiking or camping in the canyon, which will allow you to explore its many trails and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. If you’re an equestrian, you can book a horseback riding tour. You can also go rafting on the Charyn River. This turbulent river is not safe for swimming, but it’s perfect for white-water rafting and canoeing.

It's also worth noting that the best time to visit the Charyn Canyon is during the summer months of June to September, when the weather is warm and dry. The canyon can also be visited in the spring and fall, but the weather may be more unpredictable.

Overall, Charyn Canyon is a must-see destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The canyon's unique landscape and wide range of activities make it the perfect place to explore and create unforgettable memories.

Charyn Canyon

How to get there?

The canyon is located 195 km (121 mi) from Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. The best way to get to the canyon is by car. From Almaty, you need to take the Kuljinsky Tract and drive east. Turn right after you pass the village of Shelek. Approximately 7 km (4 mi) after you pass the village of Baiseit, turn left near the gas station. Then you will see the village of Kokpek, drive 25 km (15.5 mi) and there will be a sharp turn to the left. Drive another 12 km (7.5 mi) and you are there!

It is worth remembering that the canyon is a part of the Charyn National Park, which means you must pay a fee at the entrance. Also, the canyon is a fragile ecosystem, so it's important to visit responsibly, following the rules and regulations set by the park authorities.

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