Back to category Published: 06 august 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory


Constructed in 1957 near the Big Almaty Lake, perched at an elevation of 2700 meters (8860 ft), the Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory began as a routine high-mountain expedition and evolved into a steadfast permanent observation hub. Here, a consortium of astronomers, engineers, and physicists investigate outer space, the interplay of solar activity with our planet's magnetic sphere, atmospheric dynamics, stars, and other celestial entities.

Within the Tien Shan Observatory reside two of Kazakhstan's grandest telescopes. One of them is equipped with a spectrograph, a tool enabling the analysis of star chemistry. A pivotal mission of the observatory is the identification of exoplanets – worlds that wander beyond our solar system.

Gaining entry to the observatory is no facile task. Aspiring visitors must apply to the Space Center, where permission is sought with circumspection. Such caution is essential because well-meaning outsiders can inadvertently disrupt the research.

Тянь-Шанская обсерватория

How to get there?

Embarking from Almaty, a mere hour's drive along the road to Big Almaty Lake unveils the route to the observatory. Beyond the lake's observation deck, a continuation awaits, with a brief 2-kilometer journey leading to the observatory.

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