Back to category Published: 31 may 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Almaty Historical and Architectural Reserve


Welcome to the Almaty Historical and Architectural Reserve, a fascinating complex of buildings that showcases the late 19th-early 20th-century architectural charm in the heart of Almaty. Join us on this excursion as we explore the rich history and stunning architecture of this reserve.

Our journey begins on Tole Bi Street, where we encounter the Verny Women's Gymnasium in house #31. Designed by A. Zenkov in 1904 and constructed using Tien Shan spruce beams, the building exemplifies the eclectic classics architectural style. Today, it houses one of the departments of Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

Continuing along the street, we leave behind the former women's gymnasium and soon come across the manor of the director of the men's gymnasium, believed to have been built either in 1902 or 1904. This building holds historical significance as it was once the residence of the renowned military doctor and scientist, S. Asfendiyarov. A memorial plaque dedicated to him graces the building, which has been under the ownership of the Consulate General of Turkey for many years.

On the same side of the street, at the intersection with Dostyk Avenue, stands another notable building from the early 19th century. This architectural gem was a collaborative effort between the legendary Verny architects A. Zenkov and P. Gourde. It showcases stucco molding, avant-corps, pediment, and semi-circular windows. Presently, it serves as the State Republican Children's Library.

Библиотека им. Бегалина
State Republican Children's Library

After visiting the library, we turn left onto Dostyk Ave. and walk approximately 200 meters (220 yd) until we reach the traffic light on Kazybek Bi St. To the left of the traffic light, a magnificent building with white columns catches our attention, exuding the allure of the old city. Interestingly, this is the second building of the Verny Men's Gymnasium. The original structure, built in 1882, was unfortunately destroyed during an earthquake in 1887. P. Gourde was the architect behind both buildings, incorporating motifs of Russian classicism. Today, this historic edifice houses one of the departments of Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

Directly opposite, we encounter the unmistakable Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, established in 1872. At the park's center stands the majestic Ascension Cathedral, a true masterpiece of wooden architecture. Every intricate detail and element of the cathedral's design captivates and enchants visitors.

Leaving behind this spiritual place, we find ourselves in the Alley of Presidents, which we must traverse to reach the Memorial of Glory. Erected after the mid-20th century, this memorial holds significant historical value and commemorates a pivotal period.

From the Memorial of Glory, a short stroll brings us to Zenkov St. At the park's exit, on the left, we encounter the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments, a charming building constructed in 1908. Resembling a house from old Russian fairy tales, it is considered one of the most beautiful structures in the city. Feel free to explore the museum and discover its extensive collection. The museum welcomes visitors daily, except on Mondays.

Музей народных музыкальных инструментов
Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Adjacent to the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments, we find the Military History Museum, previously known as the House of Officers or the House of the Army. The museum provides visitors with the opportunity to see a large collection of Soviet-made military equipment. This building is a testament to Almaty's military history and complements the neighboring museum perfectly. 

Continuing our journey through the Almaty Historical and Architectural Reserve, we now head further along Zenkov St towards Gogol St. Upon reaching Gogol St, we cross the road and take a right turn, passing by the bustling business center. Our next stop is house #37, a building with a rich history that dates back 130 years. This impressive structure was once home to the renowned Verny School named after Kolpakovsky. Throughout its existence, the school nurtured and educated numerous outstanding personalities. Presently, the building is occupied by Kazrestavratsiya (the city’s restoration bureau).

Училище им. Колпаковского
Former Verny School named after Kolpakovsky

And thus, our captivating route through the unique Almaty historical and architectural reserve comes to a close. To prolong the joy and positive vibes, we encourage you to revisit the park and take a leisurely stroll along its charming pathways. After all, the park itself is an integral part of the city reserve, offering serene beauty and tranquility.

P.S. In total, this excursion will cover approximately 2 km (1.25 mi) on foot. The estimated time for the entire experience (except for visiting museums) is about an hour.

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