Back to category Published: 20 november 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Almaty Aport Apple


Kazakhstan is widely acknowledged as the birthplace of all domesticated apple trees, with the wild Sievers apple (Malus sieversii) tree flourishing in southeastern Kazakhstan, serving as the ancestor of the diverse apple varieties we know today.

Kazakhstan, particularly Almaty, is also known for its aport apple. It’s a large, deep red variety prized for its soft and crumbly texture and a robust aroma that persists even after months of storage. Flourishing in the temperate climate of the Ile Alatau Mountains, the aport is a late-ripening apple, harvested in September-October, and is well-suited for winter storage. Notably, the name "Almaty" translates from Kazakh as "apple-like," a fitting homage to the city's association with this fruit.

Breeders suggest that the aport originated from the Balkans and found its way to Kazakhstan through Ukraine and Russia. The fertile soil of the Ile Alatau Mountains, coupled with crossbreeding with the Sievers apple tree, led to significant enhancements in the fruit's taste and tenderness. Aport apples achieved international recognition and garnered high praise at exhibitions in Germany and France.

Aport apple

During the Soviet era, there was a significant increase in the planting of aport apple orchards. However, the rise of private ownership in the foothills resulted in the decline of apple orchards, leading to a significant reduction in areas with fruit trees. Additionally, the aport apple tree takes 7-8 years to yield a harvest, making it a long-term and less profitable venture from a business perspective. Consequently, more robust varieties started replacing the aport. Currently, there are concerted efforts to revive aport gardens.

Aport remains an enduring symbol in Almaty, evident in the cityscape through murals, signs, banners, and public transport. Sculptures and art installations dedicated to the aport apple can be found throughout the city, such as the Alma Fountain in Kok-Tobe Park, where coins are tossed for good luck. Additionally, one of the country’s largest malls – Aport Mall –was named in honor of the iconic apple.

Almaty celebrates its apple heritage with the annual AlmaFest held in September. This lively event not only showcases numerous apple varieties, with the red aport taking center stage, but also features an open-air exhibition of contemporary art, artisan displays, and various masterclasses. AlmaFest embodies the city's commitment to revitalizing its apple traditions, injecting a touch of summer warmth into the autumn landscape.

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