Back to category Published: 12 june 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Boraldai Burial Mounds


The Boraldai mounds, located on the left bank of the Bolshaya Almatinka river in the northwest of Almaty, are a burial complex dating back to the early Iron Age, approximately from the 6th to the 3rd centuries BC. Comprising of 47 burial mounds, this necropolis is of significant size, stretching over 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) in length and 800 meters (875 yd) in width. It serves as the resting place for the Scythian and Uysun tribes.

Боралдайские курганы

Among the burial mounds, the most prominent is a central mound that stands 14 meters (46 ft) tall. It is believed to belong to a tribal leader or a person of noble stature. The remaining mounds vary in height, ranging from 1 to 6 meters (3-20 ft). The Scythians, known for their intellectual and cultural achievements, constructed these mounds using a special technique that has effectively preserved the burials in their original form to this day. The method employed in mound construction resembles that of a layered cake, where alternating layers of stone and soil were carefully placed to create a stable structure.

Within the complex, there is an open-air museum that offers visitors a comprehensive understanding of the tribes that inhabited the area. Here, visitors can observe a cross-sectional view of a mound, explore a model representing the ancient tribes' dwellings and way of life, and observe various artifacts such as utensils, clothing, sundials, and looms. The open-air museum provides an immersive experience, shedding light on the historical and cultural significance of the Boraldai burial complex.

Боралдайские курганы

How to get there?

Boraldai Burial Mounds are located in the northwest of Almaty, near the village of Boraldai. To reach the mounds, you can opt for several bus routes. Buses #24, 33, 115a, and 213 will take you to the «Big Almaty Canal (BAC)» stop, from where you can walk to the mounds.

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