Back to category Published: 30 december 2023 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Kazakh Theater for Young Audiences named after G. Musrepov


The history of the Kazakh Theater for Young Audiences named after G. Musrepov traces its roots back to 1945. Then, it was part of the Russian Theater for Young Audiences named after N. Sats. Beginning in 1946, alongside performances in Russian, the theater introduced performances in the Kazakh language. The first Kazakh-language production was A. Tolstoy's "The Golden Key." Following this milestone, the theater continued to stage renowned works, both domestic and foreign, in the Kazakh language.

In 1985, the Kazakh theater gained autonomy from its Russian counterpart, and a few years later, it was named after the distinguished playwright and writer Gabit Musrepov.

Over the years, the theater troupe has garnered numerous international awards, embarking on successful tours to various cities within Kazakhstan and around the world. Театр им. Мусрепова

How to get there?

Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, 38 Abylay Khan Ave.

You can reach the theater by buses #12 and 59 or trolleybuses #5 and 6.

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