Kurmangazy Conservatoire
Established in 1944 in Almaty, the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatoire pays homage to the renowned 19th-century Kazakh composer Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly. Its inception witnessed the convergence of Kazakh artists and musicians from across the USSR, each leaving an indelible mark on the institution.
During World War II, Almaty became a haven for evacuated theaters and artists, catalyzing the conservatoire's growth. It facilitated the blending of European culture with the vibrant fabric of Kazakh folk identity.
After Kazakhstan gained independence, the conservatoire became a national higher educational institution. It hosts a plethora of events, including concerts, competitions, festivals, master classes, and creative meetings. The institution boasts the Big and Small Halls. Its four faculties offer instruction in 14 specialties such as folk singing, conducting, vocal art, musicology, and art management.
How to get there?
Address: Almaty, 86, 88, 90 Abylay Khan Ave.
You can reach the conservatoire by buses #12, 98, 99 and trolleybuses #5 and 6. Almaly subway station is located 450 m (490 yd) from the conservatoire.