Back to category Published: 21 may 2024 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Syr-Ana Monument


The Syr-Ana Monument is a 40-meter stele situated on the Syrdarya River bank in Kyzylorda. Its name, "Mother of the Syr Land" in Kazakh, reflects the historical nomenclature of the Kyzylorda region.

This monument takes the form of a dancing woman dressed in a national costume. Crowning the stele is a golden structure resembling the traditional Kazakh headdress, known as saukele. Atop the saukele rests a sprig of rice, serving as a nod to the region rice farming industry. The skirt of the woman's dress represents the waves of the Syrdarya River. Syr-Ana embodies the spirit of a mother, embracing all the diverse peoples residing in the Kyzylorda region.

Within the stele, there is an observation deck. From this vantage point, visitors can marvel at the Syrdarya River, as well as catch a glimpse of the cityscape. During the night, the Syr-Ana Monument comes to life with a radiant display of lights.

How to get there?

Location: Kyzylorda, Syrdarya river embankment, near S. Beybarys St.

You can get to the Syr-Ana Monument by buses #2, 5,12, 20, 21 22, 28, 30, and 32.

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