Back to category Published: 01 june 2022 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Kenty Baba Necropolis


General information

Kenty Baba Necropolis is located in the northeast part of the Tupkaragan Peninsula, Mangystau Region. Its name is Kazakh for “The Holy Land of the Deceased.” The necropolis has gotten its name for a reason as it comprises 130 burials dating back to the 10-16th centuries. These burials are of two types: koitases (small gravestones with relief engravings) and kulpytases (pillars with four or eight faces). Sabers are most often depicted on the gravestones, meaning warriors are buried there. Near the burials stands a small open-air mosque.

However, the necropolis’ main attraction is its mausoleums. The oldest one features a pole with argali horns lying around it. In ancient times, the graves of saints were decorated in this way. This mausoleum does not have a roof. To the right of the entrance, there is a staircase leading to the top of the mausoleum. Muezzins (mosque officials) climbed it to proclaim the call to the daily prayer. But this staircase is so cramped and narrow that few people will dare to climb it these days. The mausoleum’s walls are adorned with ancient carvings depicting horses, camels, floral patterns, geometric shapes, and handprints.

Since time immemorial, the necropolis served as a site for various rituals and worship services. Nomadic tribes often stopped there to pray and get rest.

In 2004, the necropolis was reconstructed. The masters faced a difficult task: they had to strengthen the monuments saving their original appearance and preserving unique engravings.

Legend has it that the elder brother of Sultan Epe had found his final resting place in the necropolis. Sultan Epe was a disciple of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi (an outstanding Turkic poet and Sufi). Sultan Epe was believed to be a holy man and a defender of seafarers. By the way, Sultan Epe Underground Mosque stands just 1.5 km (approx. 1 mi) to the southwest of Kenty Baba Necropolis.

How to get there?

The nearest settlement is the village of Tauchik. There is no public transport available, so you can get there only by car or with a tour. Driving an SUV is strongly recommended since the area further Tauchik has not the best of roads.

If the city of Aktau is the starting point of your trip, drive north to the village of Tauchik. From there, take the Taushyk–Fort Shevchenko highway. To your right, you will see the information board indicating the turn to Sultan Epe Mosque. Exit the highway there, take the dirt road and drive about 2 km (1.2 mi) to the Kenty Baba Necropolis.  The whole journey will take you about 4-4.5 hours. The distance between Aktau and the necropolis is 148 km (92 mi).

Only 3 km (1.8 mi) away from Kenty Baba Necropolis stands the Ushtam Necropolis. Also, be sure to visit Sultan Epe Underground Mosque – another must-see attraction.

Other tourist attractions near the Kenty Baba Necropolis:

   •    Tupkaragan Peninsula
   •    The Caspian Sea
   •    Zhygylgan Hollow
   •    Tamshaly Canyon
   •    Kapamsay Canyon
   •    Sultan Epe Underground Mosque
   •    Ushtam Necropolis
   •    Shakpak Ata Cave Mosque
   •    Fort Shevchenko

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