Back to category Published: 03 july 2022 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Ushtam Necropolis


Ushtam Necropolis is an ancient burial ground with three domed mausoleums standing at about 6 meters (20 ft) and dating back to the 10th-15th centuries. According to locals, one of the mausoleums was once a family crypt, the second was a madrasah (a Muslim school), and the third was a mosque.

One mausoleum stands out due to its architectural composition unusual for medieval Mangystau. It is built of large blocks of pink limestone. The mausoleum’s façade wall is taller than the other three. On top, there is a dome made of smaller flat stones.

The other two mausoleums have simple and traditional architectural style. However, the stone carvings on their walls are considered unique.

Мавзолей Уштам

How to get there?

Ushtam Necropolis is located 55 km (34 mi) southeast of Fort Shevchenko. The area is home to several other historical sites. For instance, Kenty Baba Necropolis stands just 3 km (2 mi) away from Ushtam, and the Sultan Epe Underground Mosque is about 5 km (3 mi) away.

Other tourist attractions near the Ushtam Necropolis:

   •    Tupkaragan Peninsula
   •    Caspian Sea
   •    Zhygylgan Hollow
   •    Tamshaly Canyon
   •    Kapamsay Canyon
   •    Kenty Baba Necropolis
   •    Sultan Epe Underground Mosque
   •    Shakpak Ata Cave Mosque
   •    Mausoleum of Akshora
   •    Mausoleum of Beltoran
   •    Mausoleum of Karakoz
   •    Aktau-Buzachi Nature Reserve
   •    Fort Shevchenko

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