Back to category Published: 10 september 2024 Author: Zhanna Mukhatzhanova

Sairam-Su Lakes


The Sairam-Su Gorge is one of the most stunning areas in the Sairam-Ugam National Park. It’s renowned for its juniper forests, birch groves, and slopes adorned with tulips and medicinal plants. However, the true gem of this gorge is two turquoise lakes: the Lower and Upper Sairam-Su Lakes. A well-trodden tourist trail leads visitors to these natural wonders.

The Lower Lake is more frequently visited due to its accessibility. It stretches 257 meters (281 yd) from south to north, with a maximum width of 74 meters (81 yd). Fed by underground springs that flow from glaciers, the lake's water is very cold. The water’s transparency allows for a clear view of the bottom.

The Upper Lake is larger than the Lower and consists of two sections connected by a narrow strait. Interestingly, the waters of these two sections display distinct colors – one part is a deep turquoise, while the other shines in a light blue hue.

In 2024, with the support of the United Nations, a new eco-trail was established leading to the Sairam-Su Lakes. The trail now features signs, information boards, and art installations, with text available in Kazakh, Russian, and English. Additionally, benches have been placed along the path, and observation platforms have been set up at the most scenic viewpoints.

How to get there?

The Lower Sairam-Su Lake sits at an altitude of 2,350 meters (7710 ft) above sea level. Reaching it requires a hike of approximately 11 kilometers (7 mi). The journey begins at the Altex tourist complex, which serves as the trailhead. The complex is located about 80 kilometers (50 mi) from Shymkent. Typically, the hike to the Lower Lake and the return trip to Shymkent can be completed in a day.

The Upper Lake, situated 2 kilometers (1.2 mi) from the Lower Lake, is at a higher altitude of 2,745 meters (9006 ft) above sea level.

Other tourist attractions near the lakes:

  • Sairam Peak
  • Mountaineers’ Memorial
  • Sairam-Su River
  • Kishi-Kaindy Waterfall
  • Valley of Ancestors


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